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  • Projektmanagement | do-projects | Burgwedel

    Do you work in a small to medium-sized company or in a specialist department of a corporation? PMO as a Service Are you in the middle of your day-to-day project and need operational support? Our PMO as a Service can provide you with a variety of support in your operational and procedural day-to-day project work. No matter whether classic, agile or hybrid project management, our consultants bring a diverse range of methods with them. Our range of services at PMO as a Serivce is as diverse as the project work itself. In addition to classic tasks such as project organization, project communication, reporting, preparation and follow-up of meetings, we also offer an individual service tailored to your needs. We would be happy to discuss together how we can support you in your projects. Please feel free to contact us! send request Procedure PMO as a Service 1 Requirement analysis : Together we will see in which areas our PMO as a Service can support you in your projects. 2 Onboarding of our PMO team: Depending on the scope and area of responsibility, our employees will be onboarded with you. 3 Project work : Our team has been successfully onboarded and can start working on the project with you. Goal PMO as a Service We are happy to take on the PMO tasks in your projects so that you can concentrate on the subject matter of your project. With our PMO as a Service, we not only offer you relief from administrative workload, but also the security that you can rely on our expertise. In addition to the PMO as a Service, we can support you in a variety of ways in your projects. Please also take a look at our project management page. ​ Our PMO as a Service offers you the opportunity to receive support from us as an individual or as a team. The individual becomes an integral part of your project, while our team ensures continuous availability. Individual ​ delves deeply into your topics can cover the project management during vacation or illness knows the project structure and the project team well supports a fixed project structure vs. send request Team ​ support general and recurring tasks in the event of absence in the PMO role, the team provides replacement at all times support your PMO when the workload ist high by deploying several colleagues can take on tasks at short notice by utilzing the capacities of the team members As a first step, you are welcome to download our free project management templates. Contact Do you have questions about PMO as a Service or would like to discuss it? Feel free to write to me! I'm Sina Kieser. Your contact person for all topics relating to PMO. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Projektmanagement | do-projects | Burgwedel

    Do you work in a small to medium-sized company? PMO setup - We help you with your project organization Do you have a variety of smaller and larger projects in your company, but are you lacking an overview? We help you bring structure to your projects and also show you how you can maintain it in long term. With the PMO setup, we create a uniform form of project management and the associated processes with you. Individually tailored to your needs, we build communication structures, reporting and processes, among other things. Kostenlose Vorlagen herunterladen send request Our services 1 Recording the current situation : Together we look at what already exists in your company. What can we build on? What is new needed? And what are we saying goodbye to? 2 Create and implement structures , templates & processes 3 Train your employees in the structures, templates and processes Goal PMO setup: Organize projects and implement structures sustainably The aim of the PMO setup is for us to organize your projects together with you. After your new processes have been established, we train your employees in how to use the new structures. After successfully implementing the PMO setup, your employees will be able to organize the projects independently. If you still want operational PMO support, You are also welcome to take a look at our PMO as a Service. send request As a first step, you are welcome to download our free project management templates. Kostenlose Vorlagen herunterladen Contact Do you have questions about the PMO setup or would like to discuss it? Feel free to write me! I'm Sina Kieser. Your contact person for all topics relating to PMO. I am looking forward to hearing from you!

  • Projektmanagement | do-projects | Burgwedel

    Together , we discover potential, and positively shape change that allows our customers to align their business towards the future. ​ challenges environmental influences ABOUT US Who we are We are a diverse team, consisting of process and metrics enthusiasts, organizational whizzes, and people lovers. It’s with this combination of head and heart that we advise and support you on even your most challenging projects. What makes us stand out In contrast to traditional consulting firms, we do not just initiate and plan the optimization of strategies, processes, and systems – we actively help you bring these projects to fruition. We support you wherever challenges arise, including in your day-to-day business. Our Expertise Our expertise includes... ...technical consulting regarding data centers (including planning, operation, transformation, certification support, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ...the analysis and optimization of operational workflows (process transformation & automation) ...the establishment of appropriate project management and oriented communication and process support for your project.

  • Über Uns | Do-projects GmbH

    Why do-projects is a good choice for you exciting PROJECTS We support a wide range of industries, company sizes and divisions in various roles. In this regard, the requirements range from organizational project management and compliance issues to IT infrastructure, data center and process-related digitalization projects. do-projects benefits Hybrid working models Manch einer kommt gerne früh morgens ins Büro, und manch einer arbeitet lieber später am Abend remote. Entscheide auch Du, was für Dich sinnvoll ist und zu Dir passt. Activities for team building Schnäppchenjäger finden tolle Angebote verschiedenster Anbieter auf unserer corporate benefits-Seite Birthday bonus Freue Dich auf einen Geburtstagsgutschein, mit dem Du Dir einen kleinen Wunsch erfüllen kannst. Company pension scheme Zusätzlich zu den gesetzlichen Vorgaben bieten wir eine attraktive Zuzahlung zu Altersvorsorge-Verträgen. Knowledge & Education Für Wissenstransfer & Austausch finden wir immer wieder neue Formate und unterstützen dich gerne bei der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung – sei es finanziell, oder durch eine zeitliche Freistellung. Health care Unter dem Motto DO-energy , bieten wir regelmäßig spannende & lustige Gesundheits-challenges sowie Gesundheitsmittags-pausen für das gesamte Team an. Bike leasing Unser Angebot für Fahrradleasing schont nicht nur die Umwelt, sondern auch Deinen Geldbeutel. Flat-rate drinks & snacks Wer hat sie nicht? Wir natürlich auch. English chit chat Unser English Chit Chat ist ein sehr unterhaltsamer wöchentlicher Austausch auf Englisch zu unterschiedlichsten Alltagsthemen, Redewendungen und allem, was uns so einfällt. What tasks await you here The job information is exclusively provided in German. Feel free to reach out to us for further details. Regardless of whether you send your application by email or apply automatically via Xing or LinkedIn: your data is always protected.* ​ Would you like to apply for a job with us, but can't find a suitable vacancy at the moment? No problem. Contact us and tell us why you would like to be part of do-projects. Unsolicited application (m/f/d) *Note: The use of your data is subject to strict security guidelines, which we have summarized in our privacy policy . How we make sure that you suit us and we suit you #1 Phone call with Elisabeth If we are interested in your application, we will first contact you by phone to clarify mutual expectations and get a better impression. The interview usually lasts 15 minutes. #2 Interview get to know us The purpose of this interview is to assess your motivation and previous experience. We also want to give you an insight into our company and the working atmosphere. For this reason, you will always meet a team member in the second interview who will tell you about their experiences and answer your questions. #3 Interview personal meeting We are convinced that you should also get to know us in real life before you make a final decision. That's why we meet for this appointment at our office in Burgwedel. You will also have the chance to prove yourself with a presentation about yourself or a technical task and get to know the managing partner. Get started at do-projects and count on the support of the entire do-projects team right from the start. We will provide you with a mentor who will accompany you from day one and make your start with us as easy as possible. #4 Onboarding ​ Elisabeth Wagner Your contact person If you would like to chat with me, please write to me . We can then talk on the phone and I will take the time to answer your questions.

  • Problemanalyse Canvas | do-projects GmbH

    Problemanalyse Canvas Unterstützung zur Ursachenbeleuchtung und Findung von Lösungsansätzen Unser White Paper für IT-Abteilungen in kleinen bis mittelständischen Unternehmen Was Sie aus dem White Paper (kostenfrei) mitnehmen: 3 hilfreiche Schritte, um Probleme zu analysieren ​ ​ 1 Schritt, um die nächsten Maßnahmen zu identifizieren ​ Eine Struktur für einen Workshop, um Probleme zu lösen White Paper herunterladen

  • Nachhaltigkeit in der IT | do-projects GmbH

    Nachhaltigkeit in der IT Darstellung einer Vorgehensweise um Nachhaltigkeit in Ihre IT-Infrastruktur zu integrieren Unser White Paper für IT-Abteilungen in kleinen bis mittelständischen Unternehmen Was Sie aus dem White Paper (kostenfrei) mitnehmen: Verständnis von Green IT​ ​ Das Environmental Social Governance-Prinzip (ESG) ​ Ein Vorgehensmodell, um Green IT in Ihrem Unternehmen umzusetzen White Paper herunterladen

  • Projektmanagement | do-projects | Burgwedel

    5_Tipps_für_ein_erfolgreiches_RZ_Projekt-01 5_Tipps_für_ein_erfolgreiches_RZ_Projekt-02 5_Tipps_für_ein_erfolgreiches_RZ_Projekt-01 1/2 Dokument downloaden

  • Projektmanagement | do-projects | Burgwedel

    Checkliste Checkliste für gelingende Workshops_Seite_2 Checkliste für gelingende Workshops_Seite_3 Checkliste 1/3 Dokument downloaden

  • Betriebs- und Georedundanz | do-projects GmbH

    Unser White Paper für IT-Abteilungen in kleinen bis mittelständischen Unternehmen 6 Anforderungen für die Sicherheit von Rechenzentren Wie Betriebs- und Georedundanz die Sicherheit von Daten gewährleisten kann Was Sie aus dem White Paper (kostenfrei) mitnehmen: Ein Verständnis von Betriebs- und Georedundanz ​ Anforderungen, um Ihr Rechenzentrum vor Umwelteinflüssen zu schützen ​ Empfehlungen, wie individuelle Umwelteinflüsse umgangen werden können White Paper herunterladen

  • Whitepaper | do-projects GmbH

    Für IT-Abteilungen in mittelständischen Unternehmen Downloadbereich In diesem Downloadbereich stellen wir Ihnen verschiedene Whitepaper zur Verfügung die Fachwissen über Rechenzentren und Kommunikation & Facilitation beinhalten. Eine genauere Beschreibung der Themen finden Sie unten angestellt. Machen Sie sich ein genaueres Bild davon, womit wir uns beschäftigen. Im Whitepaper „ Data Center für Einsteiger “ wird ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Rechenzentren vermittelt. Das beinhaltet die Erläuterung der vier verschiedenen Stufen von Hochverfügbarkeit, der Standards und Normen, die für Rechenzentren gelten und des Aufbaus des Gebäudes mit den einzelnen (IT-)Komponenten. Download Das “ IT-Infrastruktur Basiswissen “ Whitepaper beschäftigt sich mit der IT-Infrastruktur in einem Unternehmen. Zu diesem Zweck wird der Aufbau und die einzelnen Komponenten dieser Struktur beschrieben und erläutert. Daraus lassen sich die Ziele für eine optimale IT-Infrastruktur ableiten. Download „ 6 Anforderungen für die Sicherheit von Rechenzentren “ schützen Rechenzentren vor verschiedenen Umwelteinflüssen. So können die Daten durch ein redundantes Rechenzentrum geschützt werden. In diesem Whitepaper werden Empfehlungen gegeben, welche Umwelteinflüsse wie umgangen werden können. Download Die „ Nachhaltigkeit in der IT “ ist ein Thema, welches immer mehr in den Vordergrund rutscht. Durch den Green Deal von 2019 ist es auch für Rechenzentren essenziell. Dieses Whitepaper setzt sich mit „Green IT” auseinander, definiert Kennzahlen, die Verbesserung fokussieren und vorantreiben und definiert Ziele für die IT in Unternehmen. Download Das Whitepaper zu “ Informationssicherheit, Cybersicherheit und Datenschutz “ handelt von Informationssicherheit durch die ISO 27001 Norm. Diese Norm definiert Standards, die erfüllt sein müssen, um die Sicherheit in einem Rechenzentrum zu gewährleisten. Download Unsere " Canvas zur Problemanalyse" im Team unterstützt Ursachen zu beleuchten und konkrete Lösungsansätze zu liefern. Sie ist in vier Schritte unterteilt, die Sie von der Analyse des Problems bis zu den weiteren Maßnahmen leiten. Download Die " 5 Tipps für ein erfolgreiches Rechenzentrumsprojekt " beinhalten Hinweise, die jedes Projekt in Ihrem Rechenzentrum positiv vorantreiben. Diese Tipps haben wir durch unsere jahrelange Erfahrung gesammelt und möchten Sie gerne mit Ihnen teilen. Download In der " Checkliste für gelingende Workshops " teilen wir Tipps für die Vorbereitung, 6 Schritte zu Konzeption eines erfolgreichen Workshops und die Nachbereitung mit Ihnen. Ergänzend beinhaltet die Checkliste Hinweise für die Anwendung und Anmerkungen zur Remote Umsetzung eines solchen Workshops. Download Das " Rechenzentrumsglossar " listet alle Abkürzungen von A bis Z auf, die Sie im Rechenzentrumsumfeld benötigen. Laden Sie sich diese Liste herunter, damit Sie jederzeit noch einmal nachschauen können. Download

  • Projektmanagement Templates | do-projects GmbH

    Your new project management templates for project planning The proven project profile, the status slide and the project conclusion optimize your project organization. Unser Team der Projektmanagement Beratung nutzt eine Vielzahl von Projektmanagement-Vorlagen , die wir entwickelt haben, kontinuierlich selbst einsetzen und verbessern. Durch ihre Anwendung in unseren Kundenprojekten haben wir nicht nur die Projektorganisation und die Schritte der Projektplanung optimiert, sondern auch effektiv Zeit gespart, potentielle Fehler vermieden sowie die Arbeitsabläufe in den Teams vereinfacht. Laden Sie sich einfach unsere Auswahl an Vorlagen herunter und profitieren Sie von unserem Projektmanagement Know-how. 1 time saving The project management templates create structure, support project organization and improve communication so that your team can save important time. 2 professionalism The templates convey a professional impression to the outside and strengthen the image of your project and your organization. 3 error reduction The tried and tested templates help you avoid errors and lead to higher accuracy and quality of your results. New team members can also be quickly integrated into the work process. 4 consistency Using the project management templates ensures that all documents in your project have consistent formatting, style and structure. This makes navigation easier for everyone involved and project planning. Download These project management templates (only available in German) are available for you to download project profile (German template PowerPoint) ideal starting point for project planning and the next steps early risk management by setting goals, time frames, budgets, etc. provides a clear and concise summary of the project for a consistent understanding among all stakeholders project status (German template PowerPoint) clear presentation of the project progress from the project organization for transparency for all team members and stakeholders identification of risks and problems and their countermeasures to avoid negative impacts on the project a decision-making method for efficient meetings through the clear presentation of all relevant information project conclusion (German template PowerPoint) summary of the project results in a compact overview, which allows stakeholders to be effectively informed about achieved goals and the results of the project lessons learned Documentation as valuable lessons to avoid potential errors in future projects marks the official completion date for the project organization and creates the opportunity for an efficient transition into the line business Download your new project management templates now! first name last name e-mail adress mobile number company Download

  • Process Transformation | do-projects | Hannover

    PROCESS TRANSFORMATION With our expertise in process transformation, we support you in all your change process projects. Do you want to reduce your throughput times, cut costs, reduce error rates, increase the degree of digitalization, or map KPIs? Our team will be happy to advise you on suitable solutions. We will work with you to define requirements and goals, and together we will determine a course of action that combines the history of the current structure, social aspects, and good practices. We attach particular importance to the active involvement of your employees and other stakeholders, as this is the only way to implement and establish transformation projects in a sustainable manner. Our focus is on joint development to create precisely tailored solutions to strategic, innovative, and organizational issues. We accompany you the whole way: from mapping current processes, to selecting suitable analysis methods, to designing new structures and procedures, and establishing them in your ongoing business operations. Together, we not only examine the entire process chain, but also the effects of adapting individual components. This can involve the transformation of small, specific process sections, as well as complex end-to-end processes. Along with you and your team, we discover potential and shape changes positively to enable you to align your company for the future. ​ Do you have questions about this topic, or would you like to exchange ideas? Feel free to get in touch! Rene Fischer Senior Consultant Process Transformation Prozessmanagement: Dienstleistungen

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